Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Great Wilderness Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Great Wilderness Debate - Essay Example Others take it as a cultural believe that a wilderness is an area that has been threatened by growth and development and regardless of what can be done the land cannot show any positive growth (Callicott and Nelson 6). The existing biodiversity set aside an alternative to preserve the land from extinction and the separation of people from nature indirectly suggest the creation that serves as an example of wilderness idea. This topic of wilderness has attracted most of the environmental philosophers and the community at large that innocently believed that the wilderness is a natural holy quiet place. To distinguish between wildness and wilderness, we can create a picture of something that may occur or can be possible in the future by inhabiting nature symbolically. Cronon tries to give and differentiate wilderness from wildness by defining it as the only preservation in the world (Cronon 7). His idea requires a thoughtful study since it is more concern with the creation of human cultu res and civilization in the world we are living in. Civilization on the other hand can be done in a manner that will prevent contamination of the beautiful environment rather than basing the idea to cultures and historical assumptions. We can learn to appreciate and preserve the small and unconventional pieces of land that surround us and be able to conserve and maintain the beauty of the wildness (Callicott and Nelson 541). Taking an example of a tree in a garden and the other one in an ancient place, we clearly see the importance of valuing both trees because by doing so we not only value them but even honor the importance of conserving our environment. It is good to honor any wild regardless of its physical position because a tree is not less wild when it is in the garden than it is in the ancient place. We should take into consideration the fact that the tree in the wilderness and that in the garden require the same factors for them to grow and reproduce and also respect the nat ure. We are to classify an organism as wild or tame according to its context and not by its constitution or position so as to mention the distinction between natural and artificial occurrences (Aitken 5). The belief that wilderness is a virgin pure inhabited land has to be set aside and reclamation of the lands be done in the right manner of conserving the entire land not necessarily the wilderness. Wilderness existed before human refinement expanded and will continue to exist long after the cultures have ceased to exist and the community should adopt and accept to live with these changes. The human-environment interaction has tamed the land in a contrary manner that has influenced and changed the existence of the wilderness by people trying to protect their needs without giving up custody of the land that could be damaged by nature. The mere presence of things done by people does not deprive the official state of wilderness since a wilderness exists in environments that naturally o perate with very minimal human interference. We should provide a safe and caring environment for the benefits of all biological systems and the universe as a whole so as to create a progressive and helpful human-wild interaction. Conservation tips
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Comparing Oxygen Levels to Heart Rate Recovery and Peak Time
Comparing Oxygen Levels to Heart Rate Recovery and Peak Time Research Question How do different concentrations of oxygen provided to the respiratory system affect the heart rate and thus a subjectsà athletic capabilities? Introduction Firstly, it is important to investigate how the bodys respiratory system functions. The lungs have two primary functions, releasing carbon dioxide from the body and integrating oxygen into the bloodstream 3. The lungs never reach peak capacity and are not responsible for the limitation in oxygen delivered to the muscles 1. This is important because, in the case of this experiment the limitations may be reached. There is always approximately the same amount of oxygen in the air in relation to everything else: 21%. Howeverà as altitude increases there is less air pressure and thus less oxygen available to the lungs per diaphragm contraction cycle. Instead of changing the barometric pressure, there will simply be less or more oxygen in the air, in this experiment. This may cause an abnormal result as the body responds differently to drastically altered conditions. When the oxygen content of the air is drastically reduced, the blood will most likely be significantly less saturated and when the oxygen content of the air is drastically increased the blood should be more saturated with oxygen 2. It is then necessary to investigate how this might affect the cardiac system. The amount of oxygen that is available to the cells while they are producing ATPà to drive the body is important, because if there is not enough oxygen available for aerobic respiration, thanà anaerobic respiration will take place. Anaerobic respiration will produce lactate and carbon dioxide. The lactate (lactic acid), triggers a response from the sympathetic nervous system1, 2. The noradrenergic sympathetic nervous system produces norepinephrine. The SA node (sinoatrial node), stimulated by the norepinephrine hormone increases both the rate that the heart beats and the degree to which the heart completes a systolic contraction 1,2. In addition to the sympathetic nervous system, the medulla senses the increase of carbon dioxide in the blood due to anaerobic respiration. The medulla then sends an electrical signal through the cardiac nerve to the SA node2. A live O2 machine will be used in order to carry out this experiment. It produces and stores 15% oxygen and 95% oxygen separately. These will be the two concentrations of oxygen that will be used to compare the times it takes for heart rates to peak and then recover. The independantà variable is the concentration of Oxygen. The dependantà variable is the time it takes for the subject to peak and the time it takes for the subject to recover. The experiment will be controlled by regulating the speed at which the treadmill is set to. Since the point of this experiment is to compare differencesà the difference in the individuals athletic ability should not make a difference in the data. Materials Live O2 Machine Oxygen mask Treadmill Heart rate/oxygen saturation monitor Clorox and paper towels Timer Experimental Overview The Live O2 machine which will be used to create, store and deliver the two different concentrations of oxygen is comprised of an oxygen machine, storage bag with two compartments, a delivery system with a mask and a switch to change which concentration of oxygen is being delivered. The picture above, depicting the liveà O2 system is the one that was used, except a treadmill was usedà instead of a stationary bike as is depicted. The test subjects heart rate peak times and recovery times were first tested with the increased level of oxygen, they were then given a period of rest while another subject ran on the treadmill. Then, after the period of rest the subject would run on the treadmill again and their peak and recovery times would be measured with the restricted levels of oxygen. The threshold for the heart rate peaking was 140 bpm. The threshold for recovered was when the heart rate of the subject was within 10 of their original resting heart rate. For example, if the test subjects resting heart rate was 65 bpm, they would be considered recovered when their heart rate dropped back below 75. Procedure Step 1 First 8à willing people were found, who were athletically fit enough that there would not be any damage to their body through the testing. Then the 8à people were instructed not to drink any sort of caffeine or any other stimulant before the experiment. The mask of the liveà O2 machine was cleaned with cloroxà and the oxygen machine was turned on to fill up the two individual bags. Step 2 Then the resting heart rate of the subject was taken with the heart rate monitor. Ten was added to the resting number to determine the threshold that the heart rate must reach during recovery to determine whether or not the subject has recovered. The heart rate monitor was left on the subjectsà finger to monitor their heart rate, Thenà the oxygen was set to the 95% setting and the treadmill was set to 5 miles per hour. Then, once the subject was at 5 miles per hour the timer was started and the subject was instructedà to hold the mask to their face. The timer was stopped once the subjects heart rate reached 140 bpm. Then the treadmill was stopped and the subject was instructed to keep the mask on. Then the time it took for their heart rate to return to the predetermined resting rate was measured. Step 3 The first subject was then given rest while subject 2 performed step 2. Once subject 2 was done with step 2, subject 1 repeated step 2 with 15% oxygen instead of 95% oxygen followed again by subject 2. The mask was cleaned with cloroxà between each subject. Step 4 Steps 1-3 were repeated with the remained of the test subjects and the data was recorded in a table within the lab book. Safety considerations Since this lab works with the human body and measuring its responses to what could be consideredà strenuous situations, there must be precautions taken. Firstly, all of the subjects that were tested, were either in good or exceptional physical condition and had no preexisting health complications that would endanger them during the experiment. To further ensure that there was no physical harm done to the subjects, the subjects saturation was constantly monitored with the heart rate/oxygen saturation monitor. If at any point during the 15% oxygen test the saturation dipped too low (below 85% saturation) and remained there for more than a couple seconds then the 95% oxygen would immediately been switched on and that round of testing would be terminated and the subject time to rest. The mask that was being used was also constantly cleaned with cloroxà to prevent the spreading of germs. Analysis Qualitative variables The two main variables that may have affected the data were: the heart rate monitor and the oxygen mask. The fact that the subject had to hold the monitor on their finger and the mask while running made the heart rate monitor slightly inaccurate and sometimes would simply not take readings. It only worked when the subject was holding onto it and this disrupted their normal running patterns. Some subjects also had trouble holding the mask to their face with enough force to hold a seal while running. This may have let some of the natural air into the mask. Holding the mask also inhibited the subjects natural running pattern. The fact that the subjects natural running pattern was inhibited made it harder for them to keep a normal running pace even with the treadmill set at a constant 5 miles per hour. Having to control all of these things at once may have also added to the strain on the subjects body, which could have affected the results. Then finally, there is also the fact that every one that was being tested was different in their biological makeup and therefore will respond slightly differently to the two concentrations of oxygen. Data Complete Peak and Recovery times (in seconds) run: 95% Oxygen Peak times (s) 95% Oxygen Recovery time (s) 15% Oxygen Peak times (s) 15% Oxygen Recovery time (s) 1 187 45 62 185 2 180 56 52 102 3 200 64 40 188 4 181 69 39 73 5 153 71 36 123 6 108 52 60 201 7 181 21 56 133 8 144 61 27 177 This table displays each run and the times in seconds associated with it. The runs where the higher concentration of oxygen (95%) was used are displayed first, on the left. The runs where the lower concentration of oxygen (15%) was used are displayed second, on the right. The peak times (the time it takes for the subjects heart rate to reach 140 bpm from resting) are displayed in the 2nd and 4th column and the recovery times (the time it takes for a subjects heart rate to go from 140 bpm back to within 10 of resting) are displayed in the 3rd and 5th column. This bar graph displays the average recovery times and peak times for the two different levels of oxygen concentration. The recovery times are listed at the top and the peak times are listed at the bottom. Average Difference in Peak and Recovery time in seconds Peak time (s) Recovery time (s) Difference 120.25 92.875 This table displays the difference between the average peak time of the 95% and 15% oxygen concentration. As well as the difference between the average recovery time of the 95% oxygen and the 15% oxygen concentrations. Evaluation Conclusion of results There is a clear difference between the times for the two different concentration of oxygen. When the subject was administered 95% oxygen their peak times took an average of 166.75 seconds, while when the average peak time when only 15% oxygen concentration was administered was 46.5 seconds. This is a difference of 120.25 seconds, so clearly when a subject is administered more oxygen it provides more oxygen for the system, this allows the body to stay out of anaerobic respiration longer and thus allows the heart to beat slower for a greater amount of time. The difference seen in recovery times was also significant. On average, with the higher 95% oxygen concentration the subjects recovered around 54.875 seconds. However when the subjects were administered the lower concentration of oxygen the recovery times took much longer, averaging out at 147.75 seconds. The difference was 92.875 seconds. This occurred because when the body was already deprived of oxygen and the saturation was low there was a large amount of carbon dioxide and lactic acid build up from anaerobic respiration. Then, after the subject stopped running, the low oxygen concentration most likely caused the subjects to stay in anaerobic respiration as the body tried to oxygenate the tissue. With the higher concentration of oxygen, the subjects body was able to quickly oxygenate the tissue and return the body to complete or near complete aerobic respiration. This would have stopped the build up of lactic acid and carbon dioxide and allowed the body to flush the two out of it s system. Once the lactic acid and carbon dioxide has either been absorbed or in the case of carbon dioxide, exited the lungs, the heart rate would return to resting. Therefore, the results matched what should have happened according to previous scientific research, outlined in the introduction. How the lab could be improved and extended The first thing that would be helpful would be to use a more accurate heart rate monitor. Most likely the best solution would be a heart rate monitor that could be taped to the finger being used in unison with a chest heart rate monitor. Using both of these simultaneously would ensure the best and most consistent results. In addition it would remove the responsibility from the subject of holding onto the heart rate monitor. Another issues that could be easily solved is the oxygen mask. The straps that were provided with the mask fell off very easily during running. As a result à the subjects had to hold the mask to their face as they ran. This hindered their ability to run smoothly and did not guarantee a complete seal around the face. Next time a full head cap could be used to ensure that a seal was maintained and would allow the subject to run normally. To further extend this experiment saturation rates could also be compared to heart rate and oxygen concentration. When the subjects were performing the test their saturation rates were monitored for safety reasons but not recorded. If the saturation rates could be recorded throughout the test at specific points along with the heart rate it would be interesting to look into how the saturation rates are correlated with the heart when very low and very high concentrations of oxygen are being administered to the subject. Works Cited Burton, Deborah Anne, FRCA, Keith Stokes, BSc PhD, and George M. Hall, MBBS PhD DSc FRCA. Physiological Effects of Exercise. Continuing Education in Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain. Oxford Journals, n.d. Web. 10 May 2016. Damon, Alan, Randy McGonegal, Patricia Tosto, and William Ward. Higher Level Biology. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. How Your Lungs Work. How Your Lungs Work. Cleveland Clinic, 13 Oct. 2010. Web. 13 May 2016. Appendix Release forms: I, Jonas Kaare-Rasmussen understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing, could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Jonas Kaare-Rasmussen I, Jack Larsen understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Jack Larsen I, Danielle Zimber understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Danielle Zimber I, Hailey Zimber understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health complications. Electronically signed by: Hailey Zimber I, Alex Kellam understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Alex Kellam I, Taso Warsa understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Taso Warsa I, Ben Voter understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Ben Voter I, Alex Alsop understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Alex Alsop
Friday, October 25, 2019
Religious Symbolism in Grimms Rapunzel Essay -- Grimm Rapunzel Essays
Religious Symbolism in Grimm's Rapunzelà à A fairy tale is seemingly a moral fiction, intended mainly for children. A lesson in critical analysis, however, strips this guise and reveals the naked truth beneath; fairy tales are actually vicious, logical and sexual stories wearing a mask of deceptively easy language and an apparent moral. Two 19th Century writers, the Grimm brothers, were masters at writing these exaggerated stories, bewitching young readers with their prose while padding their stories with allusion and reference: an example of which is "Rapunzel." Grimm's "Rapunzel" is packed with religious symbolism, which lends a new insight to the meaning of this classic story. à The relation between "Rapunzel" and the story of Christianity is apparent immediately as a result of the setting. The witch's garden is described as "a beautiful garden full of the finest vegetables and flowers," depicting perfectly the Garden of Eden from Genesis. Now, with the scene in place, the Grimm brothers begin further correlation between the two stories. à The witch, indicative of the serpent, tempts the mother and father with her rampion so that she might steal their child. In the story of creation, the serpent has the same idea in mind for Adam and Eve. The serpent knows that if man sins against God, he is unable to enter heaven and therefore must face the alternative, a life of eternal suffering in hell. In eating the forbidden fruit, the parents are cursing their child, humanity, to a life apart from God. But, just as with Adam and Eve, the parents must also endure earthly hardships, characterized by childbirth. In Genesis 3:17, Eve is cursed to bear children through intense pain; consequently, Rapunzel was born. ... ...shown through Rapunzel's response. à The witch learns of Rapunzel's interaction with the Prince and places her in the desert, and when the Prince climbs the tower to seek Rapunzel, he finds the witch waiting there for him. At this point, the witch's assumption and belief that she has won coincides perfectly with Satan's arrogance in believing that by killing Christ, he would forever have dominion over man. To the witch's dismay, the Prince hurls himself from the tower, putting out his eyes on the thorns below. This is symbolic of Christ's conscious sacrifice for humanity on the hills over Nazareth. The Prince wanders blindly through the desert, and, after several years, is reunited with his beloved Rapunzel. Ultimately, the story's happy ending is a realization of God's promise that through Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and find everlasting life. à Ã
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Information technology and college experience Essay
Technology is continually changing the way the world is going. Education is not an exemption. Today, it is helping shape the way students are procuring information, and the way teachers are getting the information which they share. In fact, many students, teachers, and schools now perceive that it is unimaginable to go back to the stage when there is no internet, electronic mail, or word processing. This shows that the partnership between education and technology should be further nurtured. Meanwhile, there are issues that need to be addressed. This research shows how all of these are happening, and how they are affecting college experience. THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTINGS The paper will focus on the way technology has changed in the past ten years. In the process, it will also involve how technology is still changing the way in which education is being changed today by new innovations. There will be discussions on learning with technology, specifically through the use of online learning methods and distance education instruction. The research will focus on the college environment. The population for the research will likewise be college students. On the process, teachers will also be involved in the research to qualify or disqualify conclusions throughout the research. Overall, the goal of the research is to identify how technological changes in college education have impacted the experiences of the students studying in college. Sub-problems The following sub-problems will be posed in the research. The sub-problems are: 1. to compare college education today and ten years ago to determine the specific innovations that were introduced during the ten-year period; 3. to identify the positive and negative effects of the changes and the innovations; 4. to know how the changes affected the college experience of students; and 5. to recognize the needs of the students and the technological framework that is working in the education industry. Hypothesis This research hypothesizes that technology is a powerful tool. By its power, a great deal of innovations has been contributed to many industries. Thus, it can also be said that it has impacted and affected the education industry especially in the college level positively. Statement of delimitations The research will focus on college students who are taking courses in the traditional classroom setting. However, no limitations will be set pertaining to any determinants such as age, gender, location, or religion. There will also be no limitations as to the courses that they are taking. Students who are attending online courses while attending traditional classroom setting will also be allowed to join. There will also be points when teachers will also be tapped to provide information on several research sub-topics. This will give the paper a diverse yet focused population for its research. Definition of terms In the course of the study, several terms and jargons will come up. Most of these words are referring to terms used in technology and education. The following words are most likely to appear throughout the study. They are defined here for reference and clarity.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Interpreting The History Of Volcanoes And Volcanic Rocks Essay
Drawing from the diagram, the volcanic history is as outlined below and other relevant details are also supplied. 1.0 Sequential summary of volcanic history the area a. Andersite porphyry: this is the oldest. Andersite indicates magma of intermediate composition. Its silica content is midway between felsic rocks (having high silica content) and mafic rocks (having low silica content). Its formation is a two-step process where slow cooling occurs at the initial stage within the crust forming large crystals as a result. However, the remaining magma moves further out and, as a result, cools to form a fine grained texture within which the earlier formed large crystals are embedded. This indicates a slow eruption. b. Turf grading into braccia: these are pyroclastic rocks formed by violent eruption of highly viscous magma. The tuff is finer than breccia but the two are of the same occurrence of formation. The magma forces its way out shattering the surrounding plastic rocks into ashes and block fragments. These consolidate to form tuff and breccia respectively and are likely to be felsic since high viscousity indicates a high silica content c. Dacite porphyry: this is of similar composition and formation style as andersite porphyry though it has higher silica content than andersite. d. Pumice Breccia: pumice is fine textured, filled with porous holes containing gases that were trapped within the forming magma at the onset of eruption. The gases later escapes to form a light, porous glassy rock. The breccia was likely to have resulted from the shattering of the rocks as the magma erupts out. Pumice is light colured which indicates a felsic composition (felsic rocks are lightly coloured than mafic rocks) e. Polymictic breccia: this indicates a mixture of breccia of varying silica content which indicates the onset of the formation of an interrupting basaltic formation which is to follow after. However, the mode of formation is still violent. f. Basalt with rough blacky top: this is a fine grained mafic rock. The rough top indicates that the forming magma was gently erupted and the viscosity low enough to cause the included gas to just escape leaving the bubble spaces at the top. g. Andersite: this has been seen as of intermediate silica composition. The absence of porphyritic material may indicate a less quiet eruption. h. Obsidian with pumice streak: the youngest rock; obsidian resembles pumice but without the bubble holes. The presence of pumice streak indicates violent eruption since some of the gases were trapped as a result of the violence. It is felsic. 2.0 Since the last eruption is about 19 years earlier (the age of the youngest layer), the volcano is still active. The earthquakes and the likes are likely pointers to another volcanic eruption. So evacuation is imminent. 3.0 This is an example of a composite or cinder-cone volcano. The seldom occurrence of pyroclastic materials and rocks of intermediate composition suggests this. These, in addition to the fact that the rocks are from highly viscous magma, also suggests that the volcano is located at a volcanic arc.
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